太平洋首座垃圾島 將成氣候難民居所

台灣醒報 - 1 天前

... 汙染,成千上萬的垃圾飄流到美國加州與日本之間的太平洋海域上,竟然形成一個面積台灣40倍大的「大太平洋垃圾塊」(Great Pacific Garbage Patch),最近荷蘭廠商突 ...

What IS the Garbage Patch?

  • The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also referred to as Garbage Island, or the Pacific Trash Vortex, is a heap of debris, mostly marine litter, that is caught in the middle of the North Pacific Gyre. It has been estimated that the size of the "patch" is roughly twice the size of Texas. The patch is considered to be the largest landfill in the world. It is a major concern for environmentalists because of it's effects on wildlife, and it's ever growing size. The patch is not visible from satellite images, because a lot of the trash is not quite floating at the surface. However, on certain points of Hawaii, there are feet upon feet of marine trash washed up onto shore. In the area known as the Garbage Patch, plastics outweigh plankton at a ratio of six to one, making it nearly impossible for some wildlife to live.

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