Google China Exit: Global Search Empire on the Wane?

Multilingual Search (blog) - ‎45分鐘之前‎

Google's announcement that it is re-directing Chinese users to uncensored Chinese-language results at Google Hong Kong is an historic turning point when one ...

影片:Google Redirects Search Off Chinese Mainland

The Associated Press

Google China ( Shuts Down, Redirects To Google Hong Kong Techie Buzz

China Will Block Google's Hong Kong Site 24/7 Wall St. (blog) - CNN International

共有 2,366 篇相關新聞 »

Google vs. China: ends self-censorship, redirects users to Hong Kong site

infocera - ‎17分鐘之前‎

It is to be noted that Google announced its complaints over China's censorship and hacking attacks from within the country on January 12, 2010. Hong Kong ...

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